I have a users table and a one-to-zero/one relation with a businesses table (users.user_id => businesses.user_id). On my users table I have a discriminator which tells me if the user is of type business and therefore I need to have details on the businesses table as well.

I want to create my Users with my factory which currently is working and then only create business details where the discriminator points to a business account.

I have three options in my mind:

  1. Create from users factory and then using '->each()' do some checks on the discriminator and create a new business user using a the factory. However I cannot pass to the business factory the user_id that the user was assigned.
  2. 首先创建用户.然后在我的业务seeder 中,检索与"业务"鉴别器匹配的所有用户.然后为所有这些用户运行一个创建业务细节的工厂.但同样,我必须以某种方式将已经创建的用户的user_id与business factory user_id联系起来.
  3. In my business factory, create a new User and retrieve the id, thus making the link between users.user_id and business.user_id. However I am using a random generator for user.user_type so even if I have the businesses table filled it might be for users that have the discriminator as 'personal'.

还有别的办法吗?我能把我的 seeder 机传给工厂吗?




$business = factory(App\Business::class)->create();

factory(App\User::class, 5)->create([
    'business_id' => $business->id,

Adapt this to your needs.




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