I have a Form where among other info, a user would upload an image. I want to store the path to the image on the database and save the image to the public/img/ folder on the Server.

该表单是使用:{{ Form::open(['route'=>'pizzas.store', 'files'=>true]) }}打开的,这样它就可以发布文件了.判断HTML时,我有以下情况:

<form method="POST" action="http://mypizza/pizzas" 
  accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">

I can POST to my Controller and receive all the data from the Form as expected. The method handling the file is as follows:

public function store() {
    //TODO -  Validation

    $destinationPath = '';
    $filename        = '';

    if (Input::hasFile('image')) {
        $file            = Input::file('image');
        $destinationPath = '/img/';
        $filename        = str_random(6) . '_' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
        $uploadSuccess   = $file->move($destinationPath, $filename);

    $pizza = Pizza::create(['name'       => Input::get('name'),
                           'price'       => Input::get('price'),
                           'ingredients' => Input::get('ingredients'),
                           'active'      => Input::get('active'),
                           'path'        => $destinationPath . $filename]);

    if ($pizza) {
        return Redirect::route('pizzas.show', $pizza->id);

    //TODO - else

当我 Select 一个文件并提交表单时,一切似乎都正常,除了/img文件夹中没有保存任何文件.数据库正确注册文件路径和名称.

Running dd($uploadSuccess);right after the if { ...}block, I get the following:

object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File)#220 (2) {
  ["pathName":"SplFileInfo":private]=> string(17) "/img\YZmLw7_2.jpg"
  ["fileName":"SplFileInfo":private]=> string(12) "YZmLw7_2.jpg" }

What am I doing wrong?



$destinationPath = public_path().'/img/';




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