Alright so I'm pretty new to Blade, and I did manage to get all the results that I asked for on my page. Now I want to show only 10 of the total items on my page and I seem to struggle with it, tried the array_slice without any success so far. Any suggestions?

Below the code I'm currently using

        {{--@foreach ($element['subs']->slice(0, 10) as $item)--}}

@foreach ($element['subs'] as $item)
        <div class="highlight {{ $element['class'] }}">
            <div class="el-inner-news">

                <div class="image-news">
                    <a href="{{ $item['news-item']['slug'] }}"> <img src="{{ $item['news-item']['image'] or "/assets/frontend/baywest/images/newsholder.png" }}" class="center-img" alt="{{ $item['news-item']['title'] }}" /> </a>

                <div class="desc-news">
                    <div class="title-highlight">
                        <a href="{{ $item['news-item']['slug'] }}">{{ $item['news-item']['title'] }}</a>

                    <div class="text-highlight">
                        {!! $item['news-item']['textfield'] !!}

                    <div class="learn-more-news">
                        <a href="{{ $item['news-item']['slug'] }}">{{ $item['news-item']['read-more'] or "Learn more" }}  </a>


Thanks in advance!


您应该在控制器中限制结果,但以下是如何在Blade 中实现这一点.不漂亮.

<?php $count = 0; ?>
@foreach ($element['subs'] as $item)
    <?php if($count == 10) break; ?>
    // Your code
    <?php $count++; ?>


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