What I'm trying to do is to append the comments of each article to the articles object, but the problem is that I need to request different number of comments each time.

出于某种原因,我需要使用mutators,因为有时我请求50篇文章,而我不想遍历结果并附加 comments .


This the Model:

    class Article extends Model

        protected $appends = ['user', 'comments', 'media'];

        public function getCommentsAttribute($data, $maxNumberOfComments = 0)
            // I need to set maxNumberOfComments
            return $this->comments()->paginate($maxNumberOfComments);


Here is the controller:

class PostsController extends Controller

    public function index()
        //This will automatically append the comments to each article but I
        //have no control over the number of comments
        $posts = Post::user()->paginate(10);
        return $posts;


What I don't want to do is:

class PostsController extends Controller

    public function index()

        $articles = Post::user()->all();

        $number = 5;
        User::find(1)->articles()->map(function(Article $article) {
            $article['comments'] = $article->getCommnets($number);
            return $article;

        return Response::json($articles);




Judging from the Laravel source code, no – it's not possible to pass an extra argument to this magic accessor method.

The easiest solution is just to add another, extra method in your class that does accept any parameters you wish – and you can use that method instead of magic property.

只需将你的getCommentsAttribute()改为getComments(),在你的视野中emits ->getComments()而不是->comments,你就可以出发了.





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