I am yet to find an elegant and efficient way to run Laravel Artisan commands in my Docker based local dev environment.




  • 一个新的容器(共享相同的卷和数据库链接)与ssh一起使用,仅用于运行命令(看起来很糟糕).
  • Hacks in supervisor that could then end up running on live (not ideal).
  • Editing db configs, or trying to hack in a "host" environment, so that at least things like migrate can be run from the host.
  • Creating web front ends to run things (really nasty).
  • 试图为it事物建立一个"信号".

I'm still getting my head around Docker and it's new-container-for-everything approach.

I suppose I want to balance cool-dev-ops stuff with why-do-I-need-another-fake-server-just-get-it-working-already.


Any suggestions and ideas are welcome. Thanks all.



I've created an image which can be pulled from the Docker Hub dylanlindgren/docker-laravel-artisan and it works really well. It's on GitHub as well if you want to take a look at the Dockerfile behind it.

I've also just written a blog post describing the way that all these seperate containers fit together.


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