I've two tables, looks that (migrations):

Schema::create('sets', function(Blueprint $table)








Schema::create('posts', function(Blueprint $table)



    $table->string('post_type', 25);







The 'set' table is for storing data in which the location (country, city...) the post should be view. For example, let's store some countries:

   id | key               | name        | belongs_to
   1  | europe            | Europe      | null
   2  | germany-all       | Germany     | 1
   3  | germany-berlin    | Berlin      | 2
   4  | germany-frankfurt | Frankfurt   | 2
   5  | poland-all        | Poland      | 1
   6  | poland-warsaw     | Warsaw      | 5
   7  | england-all       | England     | 1

而且,我的帖子把_id设置为6,从逻辑上看,当我想从欧洲(ID 1)获取帖子时,那个帖子也应该返回,因为6属于5,5属于1.这就是我想要做的.有可能在不使用太多PHP的情况下做到这一点吗?


Okay, I found the best solution. It's the Nested Set pattern. I used baum package and it looks that:


Schema::create('sets', function(Blueprint $table) {



And done! Just get set_id's and return posts, for example:

$sets = Set::where('key', '=', $myKey)->first()->getDescendantsAndSelf()->lists('id');
$posts = Post::whereIn('set_id', $sets)->with(['user'])->take(6)->get();




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