我有一个普通的Interface号特征.Interface有一个method,它将使用动态调度来调用.具体地说,我将在Rc<RefCell<dyn Interface>>岁左右通过.


以下是我到目前为止的try .

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

pub trait Interface<'p, T> {
    fn method<'s: 'p>(&'p self, input: &'s str) -> T;

fn wrap_interface_with_closure<'p, 's: 'p, T: 'p>(
    instance: Rc<RefCell<dyn Interface<'p, T>>>,
) -> impl FnMut(&'s str) -> T + 'p {
    move |input| (*instance).borrow().method(input)


error[E0716]: temporary value dropped while borrowed
13 |     instance: Rc<RefCell<dyn Interface<'p, T>>>,
   |     -------- lifetime `'2` appears in the type of `instance`
14 | ) -> impl FnMut(&'s str) -> T + 'p {
15 |     move |input| (*instance).borrow().method(input)
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--------------
   |                  |                                |
   |                  |                                temporary value is freed at the end of this statement
   |                  creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
   |                  argument requires that borrow lasts for `'2`

error: lifetime may not live long enough
13 |     instance: Rc<RefCell<dyn Interface<'p, T>>>,
   |     -------- lifetime `'2` appears in the type of `instance`
14 | ) -> impl FnMut(&'s str) -> T + 'p {
15 |     move |input| (*instance).borrow().method(input)
   |     ------------   ^^^^^^^^ closure capture requires that `'1` must outlive `'2`
   |     |
   |     lifetime `'1` represents this closure's body
   = note: closure implements `FnMut`, so references to captured variables can't escape the closure

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors; 2 warnings emitted

当它说closure implements FnMut, so references to captured variables can't escape the closure时,它指的是哪个捕获的变量?是不是说instance号逃走了?这是否意味着借款正在逃逸?


你的性状需要&'p self,即self的引用必须与'p相同.在您的闭包中,您可以调用borrow():


您将获得对接口的引用,该接口的生命周期仅持续整个闭包('1).然而,您的性状定义要求self的生命周期 为'p:

fn method<'s: 'p>(&'p self, input: &'s str) -> T;


fn method<'s: 'p>(&self, input: &'s str) -> T;

你仍然可以确定input比你的instance更长寿,因为's :'p是你wrap_interface_with_closure功能的一部分.





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