

一位荷兰开发人员使用AJAX和PHPimagecolorat()的组合来找出图像上的像素 colored颜色 .But that limits the range to images I can access server side,我真的梦想有一个通用的工具.

I will work with one of these approaches, but would much prefer a cross-browser, Javascript or Flash based way that requires no server-side fiddling and no installing of extensions.



It's not possible with JavaScript as it goes against cross-domain security. It would be very bad if you knew what pixels made up the image, http://some-other-host/yourPassword.png. You can only tell the color of the pixel under the mouse if either the mouse is over a canvas or an image element of the same domain (or an image element of another domain which is served with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header). In the case of the canvas, you would do canvasElement.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data. In the case of the images, you would have to draw them to a canvas with:

var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = yourImageElement.width;
canvas.height = yourImageElement.height;
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(yourImageElement, 0, 0);

然后用前面介绍的画布方法.如果必须能够转换为 colored颜色 值的各种表示形式,请try my color.js library.



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使用 Ajax 下载并打开 PDF 文件