I am trying to use the jQuery POST function but it is handling the request in AJAX style. I mean it's not actually going to the page I am telling it to go.

$("#see_comments").click(function() {
        {aid: imgnum}, 
        function (data) {



@Doug Neiner澄清:

  1. 我有15个链接(图片).我点击一个链接,它就会加载我的JavaScript.脚本知道我打开了什么.这是我想要的comments.php中的imgnum.我必须使用这个JavaScript,没有其他方法可以做到这一点.JavaScript是必需的

  2. 您的方法成功地发布了aid值.但在comments.php中,当我try echo 该值时,它什么也没有显示.

  3. I am using Firebug. In the Console, it shows the echo REQUEST I made in Step (2) successfully.



首先,除非服务器上有changing个数据,否则不要使用POST请求.只要让#see_comments做一个正常的<a href='/comments.php?aid=1'>...就好了

If you have to use POST, then do this to get the page to follow your call:

$("#see_comments").click(function() {
  $('<form action="comments.php" method="POST">' + 
    '<input type="hidden" name="aid" value="' + imgnum + '">' +

How this would actually work.

First $.postonly个Ajax方法,不能像您所描述的那样用于执行传统的form提交.因此,为了能够发布值and导航到新页面,我们需要模拟form发布.

So the flow is as follows:

  1. You click on the image, and your JS code gets the imgnum
  2. Next, someone clicks on #see_comments
  3. We create a temporary form with the imgnum value in it as a hidden field
  4. We submit that form, which posts the value and loads the comments.php page
  5. 您的comments.php页将可以访问发布的变量(即在PHP中为$_POST['aid'])



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