
I know that the difference between live and delegate is that live cannot be used in a chain. I also read somewhere that delegate is in some cases faster (better performance).

My question is, is there a situation where you should use live instead of delegate?


我设置了一个simple test,以查看性能上的差异.



  • 除非jQuery版本不支持.delegate(),否则不要使用.live().
  • 除非jQuery版本不支持.on(),否则不要使用.delegate().



I never use live; I consider the benefits of using delegate to be so substantial as to be overwhelming.

The one benefit of live is that its syntax is very close to that of bind:

$('a.myClass').live('click', function() { ... });


$('#containerElement').delegate('a.myClass', 'click', function() { ... });


Specifying a context for your events to be captured also improves performance. With the live example, every single click on the entire document has to be compared with the selector a.myClass to see if it matches. With delegate, that is only the elements within #containerElement. This will obviously improve performance.

最后,live要求浏览器查找a.myClass whether or not it currently exists.delegate仅在触发事件时查找元素,从而进一步提高了性能优势.

NB delegate在幕后使用live,因此您可以用live做任何可以用delegate做的事情.我的答案是处理它们,因为它们是常用的.

还要注意,在现代jQuery中,livedelegate都不是执行事件委派的最佳方式.新语法(从jQuery 1.7开始)与on函数一起使用.语法如下:

$('#containerElement').on('click', 'a.myClass', function() { ... });


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