
$('#sitesAccordion .groupOfSites').click(function() {
    var lastOpenSite = $(this).siblings().hasClass(':not(.closedTab)');

I get "false" instead of getting one of the other elements (assuming that there is one - and there must be). I guess the problem is with:


What is the problem?

我的目的是创建自己的手风琴(不使用jQuery UI)


$('#sitesAccordion .groupOfSites').click(function() {

    //Get the last opened tab
    var lastOpenSite = $(this).siblings().hasClass(':not(.closedTab)');

    //Close last opened tab and add class

    //Open the current Tab

    // remove class from open tab


Is this the best way? thanks, Alon


Use the not function instead:

var lastOpenSite = $(this).siblings().not('.closedTab');

hasClass only tests whether an element has a class, not will remove elements from the selected set matching the provided selector.


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