我使用jQuery Cookie插件(downloaddemosource code with comments)来设置和读取Cookie.我正在开发local machine的页面.

The following code will successfully set a cookie in FireFox 3, IE 7, and Safari (PC). But if the browser is Google Chrome AND the page is a local file, it does not work.

$.cookie("nameofcookie", cookievalue, {path: "/", expires: 30});

What I know:

  • The plugin's demo works with Chrome.
  • 如果我把我的代码放在网络服务器上(地址以http:///开头),它可以与Chrome一起工作.

所以cookies 只会失败for Google Chrome on local files次.

Possible causes:

  • Google Chrome doesn't accept cookies from web pages on the hard drive (paths like file:///C:/websites/foo.html)
  • Something in the plugin implentation causes Chrome to reject such cookies



Chrome doesn't support cookies for local files (or, like Peter Lyons mentioned, localhost*) unless you start it with the --enable-file-cookies flag. You can read a discussion about it at http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=535.

*如果直接使用本地IP地址(,Chrome does支持cookies.因此,在localhost的情况下,这可能是一个更简单的解决方法.



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