
First thing i've been wondering... is there any difference good or reason to use:

$('element').each(function (i, el) { });

-- versus --

$.each($('element'), function (i, el) { });

Looking at the jQuery docs I can't see any rhyme or reason for one or the other (maybe you know an instance or additional things one can do over the other.

But more importantly I'm concerned with speed here

// As opposed to $.each() looping through a jQuery object
// -- 8x faster 
for (var i = 0, $('.whatever').length; i < len; i++) {
    $('.whatever')[i] // do stuff



QUESTION :: I guess my biggest question is, why not always use for loops while iterating through an object?? Is there even a point to using $.each()? Do you always use for() loops even when going through jQuery objects?

jsFiddle DEMO here

Function type:                  Execution Time:
_testArea.each() + $(this)               1947   <-- using $(this) slows it down tremendously
$.each()         + $(this)               1940
_testArea.each() + el(plain JS)           458   <-- using the Element speeds things up
$.each()         + el(plain JS)           452
for() loop       + plainJS[0] iteration   236   <-- over 8x faster



One thing that .each() allows you to do that can't be done with a for loop is chaining.

$('.rows').each(function(i, el) {
    // do something with ALL the rows
}).filter('.even').each(function(i, el) {
    // do something with the even rows

I played around with your JSFiddle查看在必须循环遍历原始匹配元素集的子集的情况下,链接将如何影响性能.



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