I'm attempting to capture arrow key presses in jQuery, but no events are being triggered.


This generates events for alphanumeric keys, but delete, arrow keys, etc generate no event.

What am I doing wrong to not be capturing those?


You should use .keydown() because .keypress() will ignore "Arrows", for catching the key type use e.which

Press the result screen to focus (bottom right on fiddle screen) and then press arrow keys to see it work.


  1. .keypress()永远不会用Shift、Esc和Delete键触发,但.keydown()会.
  2. 实际上,在某些浏览器中,.keypress()会被箭头键触发,但它不是跨浏览器的,所以使用.keydown()更可靠.

More useful information

  1. You can use .which Or .keyCode of the event object - Some browsers won't support one of them but when using jQuery its safe to use the both since jQuery standardizes things. (I prefer .which never had a problem with).
  2. To detect a ctrl | alt | shift | META press with the actual captured key you should check the following properties of the event object - They will be set to TRUE if they were pressed:
  3. Finally - here are some useful key codes ( For a full list - keycode-cheatsheet ):

    • Enter: 13
    • 上升:38
    • Down: 40
    • 右:39
    • 左:37
    • Esc: 27
    • SpaceBar: 32
    • Ctrl: 17
    • Alt: 18
    • Shift: 16



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