这变得很烦人--当我点击Bootstrap下拉菜单中的一个项目时,下拉菜单没有关闭.我将其设置为当您单击下拉项时打开Facebox Lightbox,但它有一个问题.

enter image description here


单击项目时,我try 了以下操作:


That hides it, but then for some reason it won't open again.

As you can see I really need the dropdown to close, because it looks crappy when it stays open (mainly because the z-index of the dropdown is higher than the Facebox modal box overlay.


如果你想知道我为什么不使用漂亮的模态盒子built into Bootstrap,那是因为:

  1. It doesn't have a way to load content into it with AJAX.
  2. You have to type HTML each time for the modal; with Facebox you can do a simple: $.facebox({ajax:'/assets/ajax/dialogs/dialog?type=block-user&id=1234567'});
  3. It uses CSS3 animations to animate (which looks very nice) but in non-CSS3 browsers it just shows, which doesn't look that nice; Facebox uses JavaScript to fade in so it works in all browsers.


Try this:

$('.dropdown.open .dropdown-toggle').dropdown('toggle');

This may also work for you:




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