Where I can find a complete list of all jQuery supported events (like click, mouseup etc) with some explanations when they are triggered? I am looking for those that can be binded:

$('#foo').bind('click', handler);

For example I just found out by accident that there is paste event but I can't find any references to it anywhere in their docs. What else is there?


一份不详尽的 list 是http://api.jquery.com/category/events/份.通过.bind().live()支持更多的DOM事件.这些函数可以将处理程序分配给任何标准DOM事件,其中大多数事件与http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/处的兼容性表一起列出

The .bind() method is the primary means of attaching behavior to a document. All JavaScript event types, such as focus, mouseover, and resize, are allowed for eventType.

As of jQuery 1.7, you should use .on() in place of .live() and .bind().


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