I have created a series of custom jQuery events for use in mobile web applications. They work great and have been tested. However, I have run into a small problem which I am having trouble understanding.

I am using .clone() on a few elements within the DOM, which contain a button. The button has some of the custom events bound to it (the events are bound using .on()), but. Unfortunately, when I use jQuery's .clone(), the bindings are not preserved, and I have to add them again.

Has anyone encountered this before, does someone know of a potential work around? I thought that using .on() was supposed to preserve the binding for elements that exist now, or in the future?


I think you should use this overload of the .clone() method:

$element.clone(true, true);

clone( [withDataAndEvents] [, deepWithDataAndEvents] )

withDataAndEvents: A Boolean indicating whether event handlers and data should be copied along with the elements. The default value is false.



$('#container').on('click', '.button', ...);

这些事件实际上是绑定到#container.当点击.button元素时,它会冒泡到#container元素.触发事件的元素将根据 Select 器参数.on()进行计算,如果匹配,则执行事件处理程序.这就是事件委派的工作方式.


This would not be necessary if you were using .on() on a parent of #container.




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