
In troubleshooting I discovered that I am getting slightly different viewport size reports in repeated calls to the above jquery functions when the viewport is not resized.

想知道是否有任何特殊情况下,任何人都知道这种情况发生,或者如果这只是它的方式.据报道,大小的差异似乎是20px或更小.它发生在Mac OS X 10.6.2上的Safari 4.0.4、Firefox 3.6.2和Chrome 5.0.342.7测试版中.我还没有测试其他浏览器,因为它似乎不是特定于浏览器的.我也无法找出差异取决于什么,如果不是视口大小,是否还有其他因素导致结果不同?



It is not the values of $(window).width() and $(window).height() that are changing. It's the values of the variables I am using to store the values of the above.



//initially declare the variables to be visible to otehr functions within .ready()

var windowWidth = $(window).width(); //retrieve current window width
var windowHeight = $(window).height(); //retrieve current window height
var documentWidth = $(document).width(); //retrieve current document width
var documentHeight = $(document).height(); //retrieve current document height
var vScrollPosition = $(document).scrollTop(); //retrieve the document scroll ToP position
var hScrollPosition = $(document).scrollLeft(); //retrieve the document scroll Left position

function onm_window_parameters(){ //called on viewer reload, screen resize or scroll

    windowWidth = $(window).width(); //retrieve current window width
    windowHeight = $(window).height(); //retrieve current window height
    documentWidth = $(document).width(); //retrieve current document width
    documentHeight = $(document).height(); //retrieve current document height
    vScrollPosition = $(document).scrollTop(); //retrieve the document scroll ToP position
    hScrollPosition = $(document).scrollLeft(); //retrieve the document scroll Left position

}; //end function onm_window_parameters()

I inserted an alert statement to probe the variables above against the values they are supposed to be holding. The $(item).param() values stay consistent, but my variables change for reasons I can't figure out.



I think what you're seeing is the hiding and showing of scrollbars. Here's a quick demo showing the width change.

As an aside: do you need to poll constantly? You might be able to optimize your code to run on the resize event, like this:

$(window).resize(function() {
  //update stuff


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