Do the numbers on a numeric keypad have a different keycode than the numbers at the top of a keyboard?


$('#rollNum').keyup(function(e) {
    if(e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57) { //0-9 only
        var max = 15;
        var textLen = $(this).val().length;
        var textLeft = max - textLen;
        . . . 

My problem is that this code only runs in response to the numbers entered at the top of the keyboard, but does not run in response to numbers entered from the numeric keypad.

I'm thinking the answer must be that the numeric keypad has different keyCode values, but how do I find out what those are?


The keycodes are different. Keypad 0-9 is Keycode 96 to 105

Your if statement should be:

if ((e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57) || (e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 105)) { 
  // 0-9 only

Here's a reference guide for keycodes

-- UPDATE --

This is an old answer and keyCode has been deprecated. There are now alternative methods to achieve this, such as using key:

if ((e.key >= 48 && e.key <= 57) || (e.key >= 96 && e.key <= 105)) { 
  // 0-9 only

Here's an output tester for event.key, thanks to @Danziger for the link.


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