

Also one important feature of MVC framework like Backbone, Knockout is that it keeps the model (data) and the view in sync. But this seems to be specific at a page-level and not across the entire application. So can we have the model/data and the view synced across multiple pages..(kind of global)



The characteristics of a typical backbone app are:

  • 本质上是静态的html页面,服务器上没有生成任何内容
  • Server acts as a json REST api, which provides the content for the app
  • The dom elements to display the data are created with javascript in backbone views, using jQuery and various templating libraries to help
  • 与服务器的通信以及应用程序不同部分之间的通信都是通过主干模型完成的


The biggest advantages of this kind of approach are a smooth user experience (no reloading pages), good caching support as everything except the json data is static content, for mobile targets the possibility to turn the web app into a mobile app with phoneGap (because everything except json is static).


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