
['@nuxtjs/google-tag-manager', {
  id: process.env.GTM_ID,
  layer: 'dataLayer',
  pageTracking: true

但不幸的是,我在Google Tag Manager中没有获得Page Views

有没有人对如何最好地实施GTM或什么对他们有效有任何 idea 或经验?




function startPageTracking(ctx) {
  ctx.app.router.afterEach((to) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      ctx.$gtm.push(to.gtm || {
        routeName: to.name,
        pageType: 'PageView',
        pageUrl: '<%= options.routerBase %>' + to.fullPath,
        pageTitle: (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.title) || '',
        event: '<%= options.pageViewEventName %>'
    }, 250)


routeName: to.name,
pageType: 'PageView',
pageUrl: '<%= options.routerBase %>' + to.fullPath,
pageTitle: (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.title) || '',
event: '<%= options.pageViewEventName %>' //default is 'nuxtRoute'

The default name for the event is 'nuxtRoute'. Thus in GTM, you'll get to define a custom event trigger to trigger on the "nuxtRoute' event. Like so: enter image description here

Then you want to create two DataLayer variables in GTM that will capture pageUrl(Please note the camel case) and possibly routeName, I say routeName is optional depends on if you're changing/updating the of the document or not. enter image description here

Then create your Google Analytics tag in GTM. Make sure it is the "pageview" type, then check the "enable overriding settings in this tag" checkbox, under "more settings > fields to set" type in "page" for fieldname and for "value" reference that variable we created. If you want to set the page title using the to.name variable just use the "title" field. Make sure you add the nuxt route trigger as well under "triggering". enter image description here

保存并发布所有内容,或者在preview mode分钟内运行,你应该可以看到一些页面浏览量.


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