当我try 在我的Conda环境中安装matplotlib 3.8.0miniconda package manager时,我得到以下错误:

Solving environment: / warning  libmamba Added empty dependency for problem type SOLVER_RULE_UPDATE

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
  - cannot install both pin-1-1 and pin-1-1
  - nothing provides numpy 1.10* needed by matplotlib-1.5.3-np110py34_1

Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
├─ matplotlib is installable with the potential options
│  ├─ matplotlib 1.5.3 would require
│  │  └─ numpy 1.10* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  ├─ matplotlib 1.5.3 would require
│  │  └─ python 3.4*  but there are no viable options
│  │     ├─ python 3.4.5 would require
│  │     │  └─ vc 10.* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  │     └─ python 3.4.5 would require
│  │        └─ vs2010_runtime, which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  ├─ matplotlib 1.5.3 would require
│  │  └─ pyqt 4.11.* , which requires
│  │     └─ qt 4.8.* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.0.2|2.1.0|...|2.2.4] would require
│  │  └─ python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.0.2|2.1.0|...|3.3.4] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.6,<3.7.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.1.2|2.2.2|...|3.5.3] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.2.4|3.1.1|...|3.7.3] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib 2.2.5 would require
│  │  └─ matplotlib-base >=2.2.5,<  with the potential options
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base 2.2.5 would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.2.0|...|3.3.2] would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=3.6,<3.7.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.2.0|...|3.3.2] would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.2.0|...|3.3.2] would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     └─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.3.2] would require
│  │        └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.2.0|3.2.1|3.2.2|3.3.0|3.3.1] would require
│  │  └─ matplotlib-base [>=3.2.0,< |>=3.2.1,< |>=3.2.2,< |>=3.3.0,< |>=3.3.1,< ], whic;
│  ├─ matplotlib 3.3.2 would require
│  │  └─ matplotlib-base >=3.3.2,< , which can be installed (as previously explained);
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.3.2|3.3.3|...|3.8.0] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.4.3|3.5.0|...|3.8.0] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.10,<3.11.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.6.1|3.6.2|...|3.8.0] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.11,<3.12.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  └─ matplotlib [2.0.2|2.1.0|...|3.0.0] would require
│     └─ python >=3.5,<3.6.0a0 , which can be installed;
└─ pin-1 is not installable because there are no viable options
   ├─ pin-1 1 would require
   │  └─ python 3.12.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported;
   └─ pin-1 1 would require
      └─ python 3.12.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported.

Pins seem to be involved in the conflict. Currently pinned specs:
 - python 3.12.* (labeled as 'pin-1')

(datasc) C:\Users\USER>conda install matplotlib -c conda-forge
 - conda-forge
 - defaults
Platform: win-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: \ warning  libmamba Added empty dependency for problem type SOLVER_RULE_UPDATE

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
  - cannot install both pin-1-1 and pin-1-1
  - nothing provides numpy 1.10* needed by matplotlib-1.5.3-np110py34_1

Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
├─ matplotlib is installable with the potential options
│  ├─ matplotlib 1.5.3 would require
│  │  └─ numpy 1.10* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  ├─ matplotlib 1.5.3 would require
│  │  └─ python 3.4*  but there are no viable options
│  │     ├─ python 3.4.5 would require
│  │     │  └─ vc 10.* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  │     └─ python 3.4.5 would require
│  │        └─ vs2010_runtime, which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  ├─ matplotlib 1.5.3 would require
│  │  └─ pyqt 4.11.* , which requires
│  │     └─ qt 4.8.* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.0.2|2.1.0|...|2.2.4] would require
│  │  └─ python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.0.2|2.1.0|...|3.3.4] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.6,<3.7.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.1.2|2.2.2|...|3.5.3] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [2.2.4|3.1.1|...|3.7.3] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib 2.2.5 would require
│  │  └─ matplotlib-base >=2.2.5,<  with the potential options
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base 2.2.5 would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.2.0|...|3.3.2] would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=3.6,<3.7.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.2.0|...|3.3.2] would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     ├─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.2.0|...|3.3.2] would require
│  │     │  └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  │     └─ matplotlib-base [2.2.5|3.3.2] would require
│  │        └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.2.0|3.2.1|3.2.2|3.3.0|3.3.1] would require
│  │  └─ matplotlib-base [>=3.2.0,< |>=3.2.1,< |>=3.2.2,< |>=3.3.0,< |>=3.3.1,< ], whic;
│  ├─ matplotlib 3.3.2 would require
│  │  └─ matplotlib-base >=3.3.2,< , which can be installed (as previously explained);
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.3.2|3.3.3|...|3.8.0] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.4.3|3.5.0|...|3.8.0] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.10,<3.11.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  ├─ matplotlib [3.6.1|3.6.2|...|3.8.0] would require
│  │  └─ python >=3.11,<3.12.0a0 , which can be installed;
│  └─ matplotlib [2.0.2|2.1.0|...|3.0.0] would require
│     └─ python >=3.5,<3.6.0a0 , which can be installed;
└─ pin-1 is not installable because there are no viable options
   ├─ pin-1 1 would require
   │  └─ python 3.12.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported;
   └─ pin-1 1 would require
      └─ python 3.12.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported.

Pins seem to be involved in the conflict. Currently pinned specs:
 - python 3.12.* (labeled as 'pin-1')


除了把我的Python 降级到3.9级之外,没有其他办法了吗?我宁愿用最新的3.12.0版.


在 compose 这个问题时,Python3.12才刚刚问世几天.100! 你不需要把你的Python 升级到downgrade到3.9.

  • 这是conda美元.您只需使用另一个环境来运行一个python3.9,然后安装所需的任何东西.这就是Conda的意义所在.
  • Matplotlib已经在Python 3.11上运行得相当好了.不需要降到3.9
  • 真的,它只有days年的历史.给它一些时间.保留您的python3.11环境,并将其用于您想要使用的matplotlib.为您在Python3.12中的第一步保留一个Python3.12环境,并try 时不时地安装matplotlib.到了某个时候,会有matplotlib人到场.再等几天就好了.



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