Here is my select option

<select name="recomemded_food[]" value="" style="width:560px;" multiple class="chosen-select" >
<option value="American Black Bear">American Black Bear</option>
<option value="Asiatic Black Bear">Asiatic Black Bear</option>
<option value="Brown Bear">Brown Bear</option>
<option value="Giant Panda">Giant Panda</option>

And below is my code trying to use the foreach loop to get the array value. but I am receiving the following error:

@foreach (explode(',',old('recomemded_food')) as $recomemded_food) 

Error Message : explode() expects parameter 2 to be string


如果从控制器传递 Select 值:

$recommended_foods = ["American Black Bear",
                       "Asiatic Black Bear",
                       "Brown Bear",
                       "Giant Panda"];

and In the view:

<select required="required" class="form-control" name="recommended_food">
    @foreach ($recommended_foods as $key => $food)
        <option value="{{ $food}}" {{ (old("recommended_food") == $food ? "selected":"") }}>{{ $food }}</option>



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