My unit tests recently started failing. I am getting this error:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: 
General error: 1 table loan_details has no column named start_month


$loan = LoanDetails::create(['loan_percentage' => .8,
        'loan_product_id' => 1,
        'interest_rate' => .5,
        'start_month' => 0,
        'term' => 120,
        'fixed_finance_fee' => 0,
        'variable_finance_Fee' => 0,
        'valid_from' => '2015-01-01'



I have a migration that looks like this:

Schema::table('loan_details', function(Blueprint $table){

So, I wondered if all the migrations weren't running so I ran this code:

$rows = DB::table('migrations')->get();

这会将所有迁移列为已完成.我使用内存中的sqlite db进行测试.



*UPDATE I have a migration that runs AFTER the above migration, and I confirmed that the subsequent migration was successful. So it is just this one migration that is silently failing in some way.


I found the issue. It is because of the ridiculous limitation that sqlite has of not having multiple add column statements in one table call as seen here.

When I separate out the migration as below it works:

Schema::table('loan_details', function(Blueprint $table){
Schema::table('loan_details', function(Blueprint $table){
Schema::table('loan_details', function(Blueprint $table){
Schema::table('loan_details', function(Blueprint $table){


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