我想创建一个Laravel Web应用程序,允许管理员用户使用Web后端系统更改.env文件中的某些变量(如数据库凭据).但是我如何保存更改呢?



$path = base_path('.env');

if (file_exists($path)) {
    file_put_contents($path, str_replace(
        'APP_KEY='.$this->laravel['config']['app.key'], 'APP_KEY='.$key, file_get_contents($path)

After the file path is built and the existence is checked, the command simply replaces APP_KEY=[current app key] with APP_KEY=[new app key]. You should be able to do the same string replacement with other variables.
Last but not least I just wanted to say that it might isn't the best idea to let users change the .env file. For most custom settings I would recommend storing them in the database, however this is obviously a problem if the setting itself is necessary to connect to the database.


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