To avoid code duplication in Laravel, I want to have a method that is used by multiple Controllers, it inserts some rows in database and also updates some data in another table.

I thought of using Repository, but I read somewhere that Repository is better used for retrieving data and shouldn't be used for inserting.

所以我现在要用trait .但我有点困惑...

Could some one please explain in a simple way what is the best usage for each of these (Repository/Service/Trait) and how are they different?




trait HasCompany {
   public function company() {
       return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);

Now the user can easily share code from the trait, by the keyword using. This is an example and most often a more complex use case would be needed for it to make sense.

class User {
   use HasCompany;


Repositories is a design pattern to abstract data layers from the application. Your logic should not care about how you store data, so if you wanted to change from Mysql to Mongodb, you would only swap out the repository and not have to change business logic.

这里非常固执己见,但这不是适合Laravel人的设计模式.Laravel具有Eloquent 的功能,因此数据库层已经被抽象.存储库有时用于Laravel个应用程序,但不是一个常见的场景,而是一个异常值.存储库的主要原因之一是数据实现不可知,它已经存在,并且可以在SQL服务器之间完美地交换.还有Eloquents个特性,比如::find()scopes等,感觉像是存储库的替代品,同时使用起来很奇怪.

If you use Doctrine as the ORM, which you can in Laravel, it is the core of their architecture and should be used.


Is commonly used for a place to store business logic or the building blocks of your actions in your application. In traditional MVC design, Controllers should only handle input. Normally you would put your logic in Models, but they get "fat" very quickly, when this happens services is a common place to put business logic. Sometimes also named actions or commands, which is similar but a little bit different approaches.

One of the core things it solves, is to make your business logic reusable. Imaging filtering all users by an active flag, when you retrieve it in its controller.

public function all() {
    return User::where('active', true)->get();


class NotifyUsers extends Command {
    public function handle() {
        foreach (User::where('active', true)->get() as $user) {


class UserService {
    public function all() {
        return User::where('active', true)->get();


// controller
public function all(UserService $userService) {
    return $userService->all();

// command
class NotifyUsers extends Command {
    public function handle(UserService $userService) {


世界不是黑白的,你必须想出自己的方法.我的建议是,不要把时间花在存储库上,Laravel有很多特性来处理与数据相关的操作scopesgetterssetters等,这些都与存储库设计模式相冲突.看看类似服务的设计方法是否适合您,您是否可以利用em.Traits与其说是一种体系 struct 设计模式,不如说是一种类继承替代方案,只是为了在类之间共享逻辑.


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