I was curious if there is a way we can check if there is a constraint violation error when delete or insert a record into the database.



You are looking for the 23000 Error code (Integrity Constraint Violation). If you take a look at QueryException class, it extends from PDOException, so you can access to $errorInfo variable.

To catch this error, you may try:

try {
  // ...

} catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e) {

// Example output from MySQL
array (size=3)
   0 => string '23000' (length=5)
   1 => int 1452
   2 => string 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (...)'

To be more specific (Duplicate entry, not null, add/update child row, delete parent row...), it depends on each DBMS:

  • PostgreSQLSQL server遵循SQL标准对SQLSTATE代码的约定,因此可以从数组$e->errorInfo[0]返回第一个值,或者直接调用$e->getCode()
  • MySQLMariaDBSQLite不严格遵守规则,因此需要从数组$e->errorInfo[1]返回第二个值

对于laravel来说,处理错误很容易,只需在"app/start/global.php"文件中添加以下代码(或创建一个service provider):

App::error(function(\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $exception)
    $error = $exception->errorInfo;
    // add your business logic




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