if I use {{$node[0]->url}} then Laravel's templating engine dislays the correct result but I can not figure out how to display all using the @for $i=0 within a @foreach loop this is what I have in my routes file

$oReturn = new stdClass();
        $fid='endpoints';//sample fid

        $url = 'http://localhost:5493/sdata/$system/registry/'.$fid;

        $xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
        foreach($xml->xpath("//sdata:payload") as $entry) {
            // xpath here must be from payload to endPoint--type
            $content = $entry->xpath("./sdata:endPoint--type");

            foreach($content as $c) {
                // Make set of children with prefix sdata
                $nodes = $c->children('sdata', true);


// add parsed data to the array
            $oReturn->entry[] = $nodes;

        return View::make('index', compact('oReturn'));

这就是我在视图文件中try 的

@for($i=0; $i < 4; $i++)
@foreach ($oReturn as $node)


Array ( [oReturn] => stdClass Object 
( [entry] => Array 
        [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [description] => Sage 50 Accounts [protocol] => http [host] => base_3 [applicationName] => accounts50 [contractName] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) [dataSetName] => - [url] => http://base_3:5493/sdata/accounts50 [isBrowsable] => true [aliveStamp] => 2015-11-06T23:31:10.031+00:00 ) 
        [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [endPointType] => dataSet [applicationName] => accounts50 [contractName] => GCRM [dataSetName] => Enter Your Company Name [url] => http://base_3:5493/sdata/accounts50/GCRM/{C22ACA13-3C4C-4E33-A584-CD99BD3002A6} ) 
        [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [endPointType] => dataSet [applicationName] => accounts50 [contractName] => GCRM [dataSetName] => Enter Your Company Name [url] => http://base_3:5493/sdata/accounts50/GCRM/{FF476636-D4AF-4191-BDE4-891EDA349A68} ) 
        [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [endPointType] => dataSet [applicationName] => accounts50 [contractName] => GCRM [dataSetName] => Enter Your Company Name [url] => http://base_3:5493/sdata/accounts50/GCRM/{C62A13D5-3FFE-43B4-9DAF-38F9055A83C7} ) 
        [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [description] => GCRM Contract [endPointType] => contract [protocol] => http [host] => base_3 [applicationName] => accounts50 [contractName] => GCRM [dataSetName] => - [url] => http://base_3:5493/sdata/accounts50/GCRM [aliveStamp] => 2015-11-06T23:31:11.062+00:00 ) 
) 1


The simple answer is that foreach in Blade works the same as a regular PHP foreach. You should be able to do something like:

@foreach ($nodes as $node)
    <li>{{ $node->url }}</li>

如果需要访问每个 node 的数组键值:

@foreach ($nodes as $key => $node)
    <li>{{ $key }}: {{ $node->url }}</li>


// initialize your return variable 
$oReturn = new stdClass();

// create a dummy array <sdata:x> nodes,
// to simulate $nodes = $c->children('sdata', true);
$node = new SimpleXMLElement('<sdata:x/>');
$nodes = [ $node, $node, $node ];

// simulate adding nodes to the array of entries 
$oReturn->entry[] = [ $node, $node, $node ];

// print out the resulting structure
print_r( compact( 'oReturn' ) );


    [oReturn] => stdClass Object
            [entry] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object()
                            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object()
                            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object()

所以当你做@foreach ($oReturn as $node)的时候,$node的值就是entry[]数组,它有一个元素,也就是一个 node array.从您的输入中不清楚这些 node 甚至有url个元素.如果确实想在 node 之间循环,则必须执行以下操作:

@foreach ($oReturn->entry[0] as $node)
    <li>{{ $node->url }}</li>




@foreach ($oReturn->entry as $node)
    <li>{{ (string) $node->url }}</li>

The (string) casts the result of $node->url to string. Otherwise PHP may treat it as some kind of object. SimpleXMLElement can be weird.



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