I am trying to set up homestead. I have tried to add new custom domain but I forgot that I have to run the command vagrant provision and I got an error, so I have decided to uninstall Vagrant VirtualBox and start from scratch but I have realy messed the things up.

现在我已经安装了VirtualBox, vagrant .我已经在我的主目录中克隆了HOMESTAAD的存储库.我填满了Homestast.yaml,但当我开始使用 vagrant Up时,我得到了这个错误


When I try with vagrant init a new box is created and when I start vagrant up I am not in the homestead box but in the one that I last created.

I am really confused and I don`t know what I am missing. Any help will be appreciated.


此外,当我try homestead up时,虚拟机正在运行,我可以通过ssh连接,但当我键入自定义域时,我会得到"未指定输入文件"


In the ~/.homestead directory I have executed vagrant init laravel/homestead and now I can start the the machine and to connect through ssh but I can`t go to a registered custom domain - the page is not available.

Update 2:

另外,我刚刚判断了一下,在home stead服务器上,我的代码文件夹是空的.在这Homestead.yaml个文件中,我有文件夹 - map: ~/Code to: /home/vagrant/Code

All my projects are there in the local folder and I have no idea why they are not on vagrant.




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