
Given we have the following two tables where type_id references a row in questionType:


id | type_id | description
1  | 1       | A nice question
.. | ..      | ..


id | name 
1  | Multiple-choice 
.. | ..

有以下Eloquent 的模型:

class Question extends Model {
    public function type() {
        return $this->hasOne( 'QuestionType', 'id', 'type_id' );

class QuestionType extends Model {

Question 1

How can I add a new question that references an existing question type without manually doing anything with ids? For example the following works but is ugly imo since I have to manually assign the corresponding question type id:

$q = new Question;
$q->type_id = 1; // Multiple-choice
$q->description = 'This is a multiple-choice question';

有人会认为有一种方法可以让ORM处理id分配(在ORM中避免这样的事情难道不是重点吗?),类似于(this does not work in Eloquent ORM)的东西:

$q = new Question;
$q->type = QuestionType.where('name', '=', 'Multiple-choice');
$q->description = 'This is a multiple-choice question';

Question 2

In relation to question 1, how would I go about adding a new question that references a new question type without manually doing anything with ids? Similarly I imagine something along the lines of:

$t = new QuestionType;
$t->name = 'Another type';

$q = new Question;
$q->type = $t;
$q->description = 'This is a multiple-choice question';

Here I'd like $q->save() to save both the new question type and question (or something similar).


$t = new QuestionType;
$t->name = 'Another type';

$q = new Question;
$q->type = $t->id;
$q->description = 'This is a multiple-choice question';

I've tried playing with different combinations of save(), update() methods without luck. I also looked for attach() which exists on the hasMany relationships but seem to be missing in hasOne.


First off, you misunderstood the relation you refer to.

Here's what you need:

// Question model
public function questionType()
  return $this->belongsTo('QuestionType', 'type_id');

// QuestionType model
public function questions()
  return $this->hasMany('Question', 'type_id');


$questionType = QuestionType::where(..)->first();

$question = new Question;
... // do something with it

// associate

// or the other way around - save new question and link to the type:

You can explicitly pass an id to associate as well:

$question->type_id = $someTypeId;


$question->questionType = $someQuestionType;

for this way Eloquent handles model attributes, not relations.

Question 2:

$questionType = new QuestionType(['name' => 'multiple']);

$question = new Question([ ... some values ... ]);

// then either this way:

// or, again, the other way around:


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