I am creating a stream which contains two types of objects, BluePerson and RedPerson. To create the stream, I fetch all of both objects, then merge them into one collection. After doing so, I need to paginate them, however paginate is for eloquent models and DB queries, and not collections, it seems. I have seen a lot about manually creating a paginator, but the documentation, especially in the API is sparse (I can't even seem to find the arguments the Paginator class accepts.)

如何对合并Collection 的结果进行分页?

public function index()
    $bluePerson = BluePerson::all();
    $redPerson = RedPerson::all();

    $people = $bluePerson->merge($redPerson)->sortByDesc('created_at');

    return view('stream.index')->with('people', $people);


however paginate is for eloquent models and DB queries, and not collections, it seems.

You are right. but there is ineed a paginator function for collections. forPage


Collection forPage(int $page, int $perPage)



public function foo()
    $collection = collect([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]);
    $items = $collection->forPage($_GET['page'], 5); //Filter the page var



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