I am using the Laravel Framework and this question is directly related to using Eloquent within Laravel.

我试图建立一个Eloquent 的模型,可以在多个不同的表格中使用.原因是我有多个基本相同但每年都不同的表,但我不想重复代码来访问这些不同的表.

  • gamedata_2015_nations
  • gamedata_2015_leagues
  • gamedata_2015_团队
  • gamedata_2015_players


So what I want to do is have one class for each and do something like this within a Repository class:

public static function getTeam($year, $team_id)
        $team = new Team;


        return $team->find($team_id);

I have used this discussion on the Laravel forums to get me started: http://laravel.io/forum/08-01-2014-defining-models-in-runtime

So far I have this:

class Team extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {

    protected static $year;

    public function setYear($year)
        static::$year= $year;

    public function getTable()
            //Taken from https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/4.2/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php#L1875
            $tableName = str_replace('\\', '', snake_case(str_plural(class_basename($this))));

            return 'gamedata_'.static::$year.'_'.$tableName;

        return Parent::getTable();



Now I am trying to track the way that Laravel creates Eloquent models but really struggling to find the right place to do this.

For instance if I change it to this:

class Team extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {

    public $year;

    public function setYear($year)
        $this->year = $year;

    public function getTable()
            //Taken from https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/4.2/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php#L1875
            $tableName = str_replace('\\', '', snake_case(str_plural(class_basename($this))));

            return 'gamedata_'.$this->year.'_'.$tableName;

        return Parent::getTable();

当试图组建单个团队时,这一点工作得很好.然而,在人际关系中,这是行不通的.这是我在人际关系中try 过的:

public function players()
    $playerModel = DataRepository::getPlayerModel(static::$year);

    return $this->hasMany($playerModel);

//This is in the DataRepository class
public static function getPlayerModel($year)
    $model = new Player;


    return $model;

Again this works absolutely fine if i'm using static::$year, but if I try and change it to use $this->year then this stops working.

The actual error stems from the fact that $this->year is not set within getTable() so that the parent getTable() method is called and the wrong table name returned.

我的下一步是try 找出为什么它使用静电属性,而不是非静态属性(不确定用于该属性的正确术语).当我试图建立球员关系时,我假设它只是使用团队类中的静电::$Year.然而,情况并非如此.如果我try 使用类似于以下内容的命令强制执行错误,请执行以下操作:

public function players()
    //Note the hard coded 1800
    //If it was simply using the old static::$year property then I would expect this still to work
    $playerModel = DataRepository::getPlayerModel(1800);

    return $this->hasMany($playerModel);



(note the significance of it working different when simply creating a new object and when using relationships)


1) Why does static::$year work but $this->year not work for relationships, when both work when simply creating a new object.

2) Is there a way that I can use a non static property and achieve what I am already achieving using a static property?



    //Get a League from the 2015 database
    $leagueQuery = new League;


    $league = $leagueQuery->find(11);

    //Get another league
    //EEK! I still think i'm from 2015, even though nobodies told me that!
    $league2 = League::find(12);

This may not be the worst thing in the world, and like I said, it is actually working using the static properties with no critical errors. However it is dangerous for the above code sample to work in that way, so I would like to do it properly and avoid such a danger.


我假设你知道如何浏览Laravel API/代码库,因为你需要它来完全理解这个答案...

Disclaimer:尽管我测试了一些 case ,但我不能保证它总是有效的.如果你遇到问题,请告诉我,我会尽力帮助你.


class BaseModel extends Eloquent {}

class Team extends BaseModel {}

到目前为止还没有什么令人兴奋的事情.接下来,我们来看一下Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model中的static个函数中的一个,并编写我们自己的静电函数,让我们称它为year. (把这个放在BaseModel)

public static function year($year){
    $instance = new static;
    return $instance->newQuery();



protected $year = null;

public function setYear($year){
    $this->year = $year;
    if($year != null){
        $this->table = 'gamedata_'.$year.'_'.$this->getTable(); // you could use the logic from your example as well, but getTable looks nicer


public static function year($year){
    $instance = new static;
    return $instance->newQuery();


public function newInstance($attributes = array(), $exists = false)
    $model = parent::newInstance($attributes, $exists);
    return $model;

That's the basics. Here's how to use it:

$team = Team::year(2015)->find(1);

$newTeam = new Team();
$newTeam->property = 'value';

The next step are relationships. And that's were it gets real tricky.


public function players(){
    $instance = new Player();

    $foreignKey = $instance->getTable.'.'.$this->getForeignKey();
    $localKey = $this->getKeyName();

    return new HasMany($instance->newQuery(), $this, $foreignKey, $localKey);





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