Alright so I have been looking for hours for an answer but can't seem to find one. I have an array of "orders" all for different dates. I get all of the orders for this week, this should not be an issue, then I want to a tab for each day of the week.

到目前为止,我try 的是:

$dinnerOrders->where('date','>',$date)->where('date','<', $date->endOfDay())->sortBy('created_at');


$dt = Carbon\Carbon::create()->startOfWeek();
$date = new Carbon\Carbon('this ' . $day);


$dinnerOrders = collect([]);
foreach($restaurant->dinners as $dinner) {
    foreach($dinner->orders as $order) {
        $dinnerOrders[$order->id] = $order;



So what I'm asking is perhaps, can you do a date comparison on a collection? If so, how?


Note: This answer is specific to Laravel <= 5.2. Laravel 5.3 updated the where() method on the Collection to match the query builder, so it now accepts an operator.

As you state in your question, $dinnerOrders is a Collection, not a query. The where() method on the Collection works a little differently.


What you're looking for is the filter() method. You pass in a Closure that does your date comparison. If the Closure returns true, the item stays in the Collection. If it returns false, the item is removed from the Collection. Something like this (just an example, the logic may need to be tweaked):

$dinnerOrders = $dinnerOrders->filter(function ($item) use ($date) {
    return (data_get($item, 'date') > $date) && (data_get($item, 'date') < $date->endOfDay());


Based on the code provided in your edit, I'm guessing that a restaurant hasMany dinners, and a dinner hasMany orders. If this is correct, you can setup a relationship stating that a restaurant hasMany orders through dinners:


public function orders() {
    // restaurant has many orders through dinners
    $this->hasManyThrough('App\Order', 'App\Dinner');


$dinnerOrders = $restaurant->orders()->where('date','>',$date)->where('date','<', $date->endOfDay())->get();



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