
<a class="trashButton" href="{{ URL::route('user.destroy',$members['id'][$i]) }}" style="cursor: pointer;"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a> 

this link is supposed to direct to the destroy method of the Usercontroller , this is my route Route::resource('/user', 'BackEnd\UsersController');

UserController是一个资源控制器.但是现在,它将我 bootstrap 到show方法,而不是DESTORT方法


This is because you are requesting the resources via GET method instead DELETE method. Look:

DELETE  /photo/{photo}  destroy     photo.destroy
GET     /photo/{photo}  show    photo.show

两个路由都有相同的URL,但标题动词标识要调用的地址.看起来是RESTful table.例如,通过ajax可以发送删除请求:

    url: '/user/4',
    type: 'DELETE',  // user.destroy
    success: function(result) {
        // Do something with the result



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