
At the moment, I start 5 daemon queue workers for testing purposes, however in production this number could be between 25 & 100 workers, possibly more. I understand that when deploying, I have to stop the queue workers by first placing the framework in maintenance mode by using php artisan down, because the --daemon flag causes the framework to only load when the worker starts up, hence new code would not take affect during the deploy until the worker restarts.

如果我出于某种原因需要停止工人,我可以使用php artisan down将应用程序置于维护模式,这将导致工人在处理完当前工作后死亡(如果他们正在工作的话).然而,有时我可能想在不将整个应用程序置于维护模式的情况下杀死工人.

Is there a safe way to stop the workers in a way where they will continue processing their current job and then die without placing the whole application in maintenance mode?

Essentially what I need is a 100, which behaves like 101, but does not restart the worker once the job is done.

我曾希望有一个类似于php artisan queue:stop的命令可以做到这一点,但事实似乎并非如此.

使用ps aux | grep php,我能够获得进程ID的工人,我可以杀死进程的方式,但我不想杀死过程中的中间工作的一项工作.



我们在我们的应用程序中实现了类似的东西-但这不是Laravel本身内置的东西.您必须通过向if-挡路添加另一个条件来编辑this file,这样它才能调用第stop函数.您可以通过在第Worker类中设置一个静电变量(每当您运行您必须执行的自定义命令时都会更改该变量),或者通过判断某个地方的原子值(即,将其设置在一些缓存中,如redis、memcached、apc甚至mysql,尽管这意味着您使用相同的自定义命令设置的WHILE循环的每个周期都有一个mysql查询)来实现这一点.


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