我很难理解WhereHas的关系计数情况.文档页面上没有关于它的讨论,但API page谈到了它.引用API.

Builder|Builder whereHas(string $relation, Closure $callback, string $operator = '>=', int $count = 1)

Add a relationship count condition to the query with where clauses.



public function categories()
    return $this->belongsToMany('ResourceCategory', 'resource_category_mapping');

Relationship condition in Has

The relationship condition in Has is working as expected.

Resource::has('categories', '>', 1)->get()
//this return all resources which have more than one catgories

Relationship condition in WhereHas

The relationship condition in WhereHas is not working as expected. I am sure I have misunderstood it.

Resource::whereHas('categories', function ( $query){
            $query->whereIn('resource_category_id', [1, 2, 4]);
        }, '>', 1)->get()

The above code should return resources which whose categories belong to either of [1, 2, 4] and the resource has more than one categories. But it is not.


Kindly explain the relationship condition in WhereHas, may be providing an example would be much helpful.


通常,whereHas()会判断您的模型是否有at least one个相关的模型.您可以将$count设置为某个更高的值,以将计数增加到N,并仅获取至少具有N个相关模型的模型.

In your case, calling

Resource::has('categories', '>', 2)->get();

将只返回包含at least 2个相关类别的Resources个.



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