I have 2 tables:

User        |   Doctor
----------  |  ----------
id          |  id
email       |  user_id
name        |  signature
last_name   |  photo
password    |  description
date_birth  |


Is there a way to make, something like this?

// Instead of
$doctor = Doctor::with('User')->find(1);
// This
$doctor = Doctor::find(1);



You can specify default eager loaded relationships using the $with property on the model.

class Doctor extends Eloquent {

    protected $with = ['user'];

    // ...

(The property might need to be public, I forget. Laravel will yell at you if it does.)

You will still need to use $doctor->user->name, but the relationship will be automatically loaded without you needing to explicitly call it. If you really want to use the $doctor->name syntax, you could create Accessors for those column names, which would then fetch and pass the appropriate User relationship columns.



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