I am trying to save multiple rows to a table, however, I am presented with a Mass Assignment Error.

错误是:Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ MassAssignmentException criteria_id


    $criteria_id = $criteria->id;

     foreach(Input::get('bedrooms') as $bedroom){
            'criteria_id' => $criteria->id,
            'bedroom' => $bedroom,
        $bedroom = new Bedroom($new_bedroom);

My database structure is:


so there isn't any incorrect spelling. The criteria_id comes from the variable from the recently saved criteria (see code above forloop).



To be able to set properties by passing them to the model's constructor, you need to list all the properties you need in the $fillable array. As mentioned in the Docs

class Bedroom extends Eloquent {
    protected $fillable = array('criteria_id', 'bedroom');


foreach(Input::get('bedrooms') as $bedroom){
        'criteria_id' => $criteria->id,
        'bedroom' => $bedroom,
    $bedroom = Bedroom::create($new_bedroom);


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