我想根据所选语言创建具有许多翻译路由的应用程序.我曾经描述过3 methods of creating URLs in multilingual websites岁.

In this case it should be the first method from mentioned topic so:

  1. 我有一种默认语言
  2. I can have many other languages
  3. Current language should be calculated only by URL (without cookies/sessions) to make it really friendly also for search engines
  4. For default language there should be no prefix in URL, for other languages should be language prefix after domain
  5. Each part of url should be translated according to the current language.




whereas [about] and [contact] should be translated according to selected language, for example in English it should be left contact but for Polish it should be kontakt and so on.



First step:

Go to app/lang directory and create here translations for your routes for each language. You need to create 3 routes.php files - each in separate language directory (pl/en/fr) because you want to use 3 languages

For Polish:


// app/lang/pl/routes.php

return array(

    'contact' => 'kontakt',
    'about'   => 'o-nas'



// app/lang/en/routes.php

return array(
    'contact' => 'contact',
    'about'   => 'about-us'



// app/lang/fr/routes.php

return array(
    'contact' => 'contact-fr',
    'about'   => 'about-fr'

Second step:

Go to app/config/app.php file.

You should find line:

'locale' => 'en',

and change it into language that should be your primary site language (in your case Polish):

'locale' => 'pl',

You also need to put into this file the following lines:

 * List of alternative languages (not including the one specified as 'locale')
'alt_langs' => array ('en', 'fr'),

 *  Prefix of selected locale  - leave empty (set in runtime)
'locale_prefix' => '',

alt_langs config中,您可以设置其他语言(在您的示例enfr中),它们应该与第一步创建带有翻译的文件时的文件名相同.

And locale_prefix is the prefix for your locale. You wanted no prefix for your default locale so it's set to empty string. This config will be modified in runtime if other language than default will be selected.

Third step



// app/routes.php

| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested.

 *  Set up locale and locale_prefix if other language is selected
if (in_array(Request::segment(1), Config::get('app.alt_langs'))) {

    Config::set('app.locale_prefix', Request::segment(1));

 * Set up route patterns - patterns will have to be the same as in translated route for current language
foreach(Lang::get('routes') as $k => $v) {
    Route::pattern($k, $v);

Route::group(array('prefix' => Config::get('app.locale_prefix')), function()
        function () {
            return "main page - ".App::getLocale();

        function () {
            return "contact page ".App::getLocale();

        function () {
            return "about page ".App::getLocale();



As you see first you check if the first segment of url matches name of your languages - if yes, you change locale and current language prefix.

Then in tiny loop, you set requirements for your all route names (you mentioned that you want have about and contact translated in URL) so here you set them as the same as defined in routes.php file for current language.


You need to remember that in that case {contact} in all routes will be checked if it's the same as you defined it in first step for current language. If you don't want this effect and want to set up routes manually for each route using where, there's alternative app\routes.php file without loop where you set contact and about separately for each route:


// app/routes.php

| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested.

 *  Set up locale and locale_prefix if other language is selected
if (in_array(Request::segment(1), Config::get('app.alt_langs'))) {

    Config::set('app.locale_prefix', Request::segment(1));

Route::group(array('prefix' => Config::get('app.locale_prefix')), function()
        function () {
            return "main page - ".App::getLocale();

        function () {
            return "contact page ".App::getLocale();
    )->where('contact', Lang::get('routes.contact'));

        function () {
            return "about page ".App::getLocale();

    )->where('about', Lang::get('routes.about'));


Fourth step:

你没有提到它,但是还有一件事你可以考虑.如果有人使用url /en/something,而something不是正确的路由,我认为最好的解决方案是重定向.但是你不应该重定向到/,因为它是默认语言,而是/en.

So now you can open app/start/global.php file and create here 301 redirection for unknown urls:

// app/start/global.php

   return Redirect::to(Config::get('app.locale_prefix'),301);


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