I'm learning how to use Laravel 5 and I've ran into a problem where my controllers are being created in the root of the "app" folder instead of the "controller" folder. I have no idea why this is happening as I've re installed and checked 10 times.

I'm in gitbash on windows 8.1..


john@John ~/desktop/code/my-first-app
$ php artisan make:controller PagesController



Only it's being created in the root of app and nothing in the Controllers folder. What am I missing? I also see others having the same problem in comments under video on laracasts.


In Laravel 5, it is not required to specify the path. By default, it will generate the controller in the directory.


php artisan make:controller controllerName

However, if you would like to create it in a custom directory then refer to the line below:

php artisan make:controller pathName/controllerName


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