
The model Event:

class Event extends Eloquent {
  //Some functions not used yet


$event = new Event();
$event->fill(array('foo', 'bar'));

So, why the print_r is displaying an empty array?


The attributes is a protected property. Use $obj->getAttributes() method.

Actually. at first you should change the model name from Event to something else, Laravel has a Facade class as Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event so it could be a problem.

Regarding the fill method, you should pass an associative array to fill method like:

$obj = new MyModel;
$obj->fill(array('fieldname1' => 'value', 'fieldname2' => 'value'));

Also make sure you have a protected $fillable (check mass assignment) property declared in your Model with property names that are allowed to be filled. You may also do the same thing when initializing the Model:

$properties = array('fieldname1' => 'value', 'fieldname2' => 'value');
$obj = new ModelName($properties);


// Instead of attributes

Because attributes is a protected property.


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