I have read how to add different paths or namespaces for views, but I think this is not a proper solution for me. What I would like to do it's to set a view base path for mobile devices and a different one for desktop devices, so in the view controllers I don't need to make any change.

如果在routes文件中设置路径,并且不接触任何视图控制器,那就太好了.有什么 idea 吗?也许只是配置::设置视图路径?

Thanks in advance! :)


I'm looking at the same issue here, basically wanting to "bolt on" a directory of mobile views without messing with my controllers (if possible).

One place to do this may be the config in app/config/views.php:


use Jenssegers\Agent\Agent as Agent;
$Agent = new Agent();
// agent detection influences the view storage path
if ($Agent->isMobile()) {
    // you're a mobile device
    $viewPath = __DIR__.'/../mobile';
} else {
    // you're a desktop device, or something similar
    $viewPath = __DIR__.'/../views';

return array(
    'paths' => array($viewPath),


I'll continue to experiment, as perhaps there will be some overlap between the desktop and mobile includes, but we'll see.

PS: Agent ~= Mobile_Detect



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