
In my test I have:

    $passwordBroker = m::mock('Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\PasswordBroker');
            m::on(function (\Closure $closure) {
                    ->with('password', $this->resetAttributes['password']);

                $closure($this->entity, $this->resetAttributes['password']);

The error:

Mockery\Exception\NoMatchingExpectationException: No matching handler found for Mockery_4_Illuminate_Auth_Reminders_PasswordBroker::reset(array('email'=>'test@email.com','password'=>'myTestPassword','password_confirmation'=>'myTestPassword',), Closure). Either the method was unexpected or its arguments matched no expected argument list for this method

Objects: (array (
  'Closure' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'Closure',
    'properties' => 
    array (
    'getters' => 
    array (

Part of my lack of understanding may have to do with the fact that I'm not sure what the Objects: array(....) is that appears at the bottom of the error.


TL;DR: your closure argument to Mockery::on needs to return true or false.

The longer explanation:


That was a rather confusing explanation, so I'll try an example :-)

Consider the following expectation:

$mock = Mockery::mock("myclass");


$x = $myclass->mymethod("myargument");

and the value of $x will be "something".


$x = function($v){ echo $v; };
$y = function($v){ echo $v; };

echo $x==$y ? "True" : "False";

将响应值"False".为什么?从我对这个主题的有限理解来看,它与PHP中闭包对象的内部表示有关.所以,当你模拟一个需要闭包作为参数的方法时,there is no way to satisfy the expectation.



$mock = Mockery::mock("myclass");
    ->with(function($v){ echo $v; })

This is because Mockery will compare the argument passed in the SUT (a closure) to the closure defined above (function($v){ echo $v; }) and that test will fail, even if the two closures are identically defined.


$mock = Mockery::mock("myclass");
        return is_callable($value);

Now when Mockery evaluates the expectation, it will call the closure passed as the argument to Mockery::on(). If it returns true, Mockery will consider the expectation passed; if it returns false, Mockery will consider it as having failed.

The expectation in this example will pass for any closure that is passed to myclass::mymethod, which is probably not specific enough. You probably want a more sophisticated test, but that's the basic idea.




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