I'm trying to create unit tests to test some specific classes. I use app()->make() to instantiate the classes to test. So actually, no HTTP requests are needed.


Call to a member function parameter() on null.

我已经玩了很多次了,try 了以下方法:

request()->attributes = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag(['info' => 5]);  

request()->route(['info' => 5]);  

request()->initialize([], [], ['info' => 5], [], [], [], null);

but none of them worked...

How could I manually initialize the router and feed some routing parameters to it? Or simply make request()->route()->parameter() available?



class SomeTest extends TestCase
    public function test_info()
        $info = request()->route()->parameter('info');
        $this->assertEquals($info, 'hello_world');

不涉及"请求".在我的真实代码中,request()->route()->parameter()呼叫实际上位于服务Provider 中.此测试用例专门用于测试该服务Provider .没有一个路由可以打印来自该提供程序中的方法的返回值.


I assume you need to simulate a request without actually dispatching it. With a simulated request in place, you want to probe it for parameter values and develop your testcase.



正如你已经知道的,拉威尔的Illuminate\Http\Request门课是在Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request门课的基础上建立起来的.upstream 类不允许您以手动方式设置请求URI.它根据实际的请求头来计算.别无 Select .

OK, enough with the chatter. Let's try to simulate a request:


use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function testBasicExample()
        $request = new Request([], [], ['info' => 5]);


As you mentioned yourself, you'll get a:

Error: Call to a member function parameter() on null

We need a Route


Have a look at its implementation as well as the implementation of its companion method; getRouteResolver(). The getRouteResolver() method returns an empty closure, then route() calls it and so the $route variable will be null. Then it gets returned and thus... the error.

In a real HTTP request context, Laravel sets up its route resolver, so you won't get such errors. Now that you're simulating the request, you need to set up that by yourself. Let's see how.


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function testBasicExample()
        $request = new Request([], [], ['info' => 5]);

        $request->setRouteResolver(function () use ($request) {
            return (new Route('GET', 'testing/{info}', []))->bind($request);


请参见从Laravel's own RouteCollection class创建Route的另一个示例.

Empty parameters bag

So, now you won't get that error because you actually have a route with the request object bound to it. But it won't work yet. If we run phpunit at this point, we'll get a null in the face! If you do a dd($request->route()) you'll see that even though it has the info parameter name set up, its parameters array is empty:

Illuminate\Routing\Route {#250
  #uri: "testing/{info}"
  #methods: array:2 [
    0 => "GET"
    1 => "HEAD"
  #action: array:1 [
    "uses" => null
  #controller: null
  #defaults: []
  #wheres: []
  #parameters: [] <===================== HERE
  #parameterNames: array:1 [
    0 => "info"
  #compiled: Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute {#252
    -variables: array:1 [
      0 => "info"
    -tokens: array:2 [
      0 => array:4 [
        0 => "variable"
        1 => "/"
        2 => "[^/]++"
        3 => "info"
      1 => array:2 [
        0 => "text"
        1 => "/testing"
    -staticPrefix: "/testing"
    -regex: "#^/testing/(?P<info>[^/]++)$#s"
    -pathVariables: array:1 [
      0 => "info"
    -hostVariables: []
    -hostRegex: null
    -hostTokens: []
  #router: null
  #container: null

所以将['info' => 5]传递到Request构造函数没有任何效果.让我们来看看Route类,看看它的$parameters property是如何填充的.

当我们bind the request对象路由时,$parameters属性由对bindParameters()方法的后续调用填充,该方法反过来调用bindPathParameters()来计算路径特定的参数(在本例中,我们没有主机参数).

该方法将请求者解码路径与值Symfony's Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute的正则表达式(您也可以在上面的转储中看到)进行匹配,并返回匹配的路径参数.如果路径与模式不匹配(这就是我们的情况),则它将为空.

 * Get the parameter matches for the path portion of the URI.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @return array
protected function bindPathParameters(Request $request)
    preg_match($this->compiled->getRegex(), '/'.$request->decodedPath(), $matches);
    return $matches;


Spoofing the request URI

If you follow that decodedPath() method on the Request class, you'll go deep through a couple of methods which will finally return a value from prepareRequestUri() of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request. There, exactly in that method, you'll find the answer to your question.

It's figuring out the request URI by probing a bunch of HTTP headers. It first checks for X_ORIGINAL_URL, then X_REWRITE_URL, then a few others and finally for the REQUEST_URI header. You can set either of these headers to actually spoof the request URI and achieve minimum simulation of a http request. Let's see.


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function testBasicExample()
        $request = new Request([], [], [], [], [], ['REQUEST_URI' => 'testing/5']);

        $request->setRouteResolver(function () use ($request) {
            return (new Route('GET', 'testing/{info}', []))->bind($request);








use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

    public function testBasicExample()
        $requestMock = Mockery::mock(Request::class)

        app()->instance('request', $requestMock->getMock());

        $request = request();

        $request->setRouteResolver(function () use ($request) {
            return (new Route('GET', 'testing/{info}', []))->bind($request);


This prints out 5 as well.


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