
// Take remote image
$img = Image::make('http://image.info/demo.jpg');
// how to save in the img/original/demo.jpg

I use Intervention, (http://image.intervention.io/api/make) to build CakePHP 3 image Behavior, I want to provide an easy uploading from remote servers, and keep the original image as a source for future manipulation.


I ask, is there the Intervention Image method that returns the name of the file, when taken from the remote server. I know php copy(), basename(), I can also use the CakePHP File utilities, but it gives me the duplicate request on remote file.



$path = 'https://i.stack.imgur.com/koFpQ.png';
$filename = basename($path);

Image::make($path)->save(public_path('images/' . $filename));




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