I am trying to set up a site using laravel, but I'm really having trouble with basic things that the documentation just doesn't cover.

在这种情况下,我看到它说我可以使用@include('view.name')将一个视图包含在另一个视图中.什么是景观.名称它保存在哪里?我试图创建一个文件app/views/view.name.blade.php,但没有被读取.文件名如何映射到Blade 名称?


EDIT: Below was the preferred solution in 2014. Nowadays you should use @include, as mentioned in the other answer.

In Laravel views the dot is used as folder separator. So for example I have this code

return View::make('auth.details', array('id' => $id));


And to include a view inside a view you do like this:

file: layout.blade.php

  <html stuff>

file: hello.blade.php


  <html stuff>


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