Im just move to laravel 5 and im receiving errors from laravel in HTML page. Something like this:

Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.

NotFoundHttpException in Application.php line 756:
Persona no existe
in Application.php line 756
at Application->abort('404', 'Person doesnt exists', array()) in helpers.php line 

当我使用laravel 4时,一切正常,错误是json格式的,这样我就可以解析错误消息并向用户显示消息.json错误的一个例子:

"message":"Person doesnt exist",


Sorry for my bad english, thanks a lot.


I came here earlier searching for how to throw json exceptions anywhere in Laravel and the answer set me on the correct path. For anyone that finds this searching for a similar solution, here's how I implemented app-wide:

Add this code to the render method of app/Exceptions/Handler.php

if ($request->ajax() || $request->wantsJson()) {
    return new JsonResponse($e->getMessage(), 422);

Add this to the method to handle objects:

if ($request->ajax() || $request->wantsJson()) {

    $message = $e->getMessage();
    if (is_object($message)) { $message = $message->toArray(); }

    return new JsonResponse($message, 422);

And then use this generic bit of code anywhere you want:

throw new \Exception("Custom error message", 422);

And it will convert all errors thrown after an ajax request to Json exceptions ready to be used any which way you want :-)



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