I have a private project hosted on Bit Bucket. I have an SSH key setup. Is there a way I can use the php composer create-project vendor/name path command in the same way as If it was on Packagist?


Well there are different ways to accomplish this one being the use of a composer repository that is used instead of packagist.org, which is a better more centralized way to manage your private composer packages. The other method is to use a composer.json that incorporates your private repos within your environments, per environment.


Composer allows you to use private repositories to create projects.

Like so...

composer create-project vendor/name path --repository-url=http://repo.yourcomposerrepo.com


The method for using composer.json applies to already created projects that will use custom repositories for private packages, not for creating new projects from private repositories. Use the next method if you want to go down a similar route.



composer create-project vendor/name path


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