I'm not only new to Laravel 4, but new to using frameworks. I thought I'd start with Laravel since it's gotten such good reviews. I've got a good install of Laravel. I go to /l4/public and see the welcome page.

I'm trying to add a route to 路由.php so that when I navigate to /l4/public/articles I get a response.
I get "The requested URL /l4/public/articles was not found on this server." Do I need to run an artisan command to compile the routes? It's probably something easy. Why this message?


Route::get('/', function()
    return View::make('hello');

Route::get('articles', function ()
    //return View::make('articles');
    return "Articles hello there";


Problem is solved by two editing changes in apache's httpd.conf file.

AllowOverride None is default. AllowOverride controls whether .htaccess files are processed.

mod_rewrite is commented out by default.

改变s to make:

改变 1: Activate mod_rewrite by uncommenting it.

改变 2:


AllowOverride None


AllowOverride All

Now restart Apache...

Laravel在公用文件夹中提供的默认.htaccess文件指定了一些mod_rewrite规则.由于AllowOverride设置为None,因此未应用这些规则.请务必在更改这些设置后重新启动Apache. 我的配置:Windows XP上的Apache 2.4.6.



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