我想知道你们是否知道一种方法,可以在web主机的子目录/子文件夹中安装Laravel 4,同时不将/app/文件夹和其他合理的文件expose 给主机的可公开访问部分.

The idea is, I'd be able to access http://mydomain.com/mylaravel/ to be able to use Laravel, but at the same time I want to avoid anyone doing something like going to http://mydomain.com/app/ or http://mydomain.com/mylaravel/app/ and basically being able to see my config files and other code.


So I figured out how to do this. I'll explain with an example.

假设你有一个域名,http://domain.com.以下是您可能使用的 struct 示例:

domain.com/    (the root of your web hosting)
|-- yourlaravel4_base/
|-- [some other folders...]
|-- public_html/    (where your html files and such go)
|   |-- [some other folders...]
|   |-- yourlaravel4/

/public_html/ is the root of the publicly accessible part of your web hosting files. You want to create a subfolder in /public_html/ (in this case /public_html/yourlaravel4/). In this subfolder you will store all the contents of the Laravel 4 public/ folder.

Now, for the rest of the files. You have to go to the root of your web hosting files, that is, you wanna be at domain.com/ level, therefore being able to see public_html/ and some other folders. Then, we need to create a folder here, where Laravel 4's base files will be stored. In this case, it's domain.com/yourlaravel4_base/. Inside yourlaravel4_base/ we need to store every file and folder that exists in the base Laravel 4 directory. That would be app/, bootstrap/, vendor/, server.php, etc. Everything EXCEPT the /public/ folder, whose contents you already stored in public_html/yourlaravel4/.

Finally, we need to edit 2 files: Laravel's /bootstrap/paths.php and /public/index.php.

In the 100 file, replace:

'app' => __DIR__.'/../app',


'app' => __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/app',

In the 100 file, replace:

'public' => __DIR__.'/../public',


'public' => __DIR__,

In the 100 file, replace:

'base' => __DIR__.'/..',


'base' => __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base',

In paths.php, replace:

'storage' => __DIR__.'/../app/storage',


'storage' => __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/app/storage',

In 100, replace:

require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';


require __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/bootstrap/autoload.php';

In 100, replace:

$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';


$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/bootstrap/start.php';

Upload changes. Now you should be able to have Laravel 4 installed in a subfolder in your website without actually exposing the app/ folder and other sensitive files. :)


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